When it comes to doing business on the internet, accepting recurring payments can sometimes be a complicated matter. Not all payment solutions provide this functionality, and setting up recurring payments on payment gateways that do offer support for recurring payments can be complex.
To help you in this matter, we’ve compiled a list of questions you should consider before committing to any specific recurring payment processor. These questions should help you in making the right decision.
1. Which payment options do you want to accept?
There are a wide range of different payment options available when it comes to online transactions, and the number of choices only continues to grow. Credit cards are perhaps the most common for recurring payments, but you might want to offer your customers more flexibility depending on their location, target market, and other factors.
Make sure you choose a payment gateway that works with your specific business, and ensure they’re a partner that can meet your full needs. By doing so, you can guarantee that you will continue to receive and process payments smoothly in the future.
2. How technically proficient are you with payment gateways?
Configuring a payment gateway can often be a technical process that involves many complex steps. Do you have the ability to navigate your way through APIs or API keys, plugins, or other methods of actually accepting payments on your website, or would you be willing to take the time needed to become familiar with setting all these types of requirements up?
Depending on your answer, you will need to find a solution that matches your own level of proficiency. After all, you can’t expect to manage a payment gateway properly if you don’t know how to operate or set it up.
3. How would you like customer disputes to be handled?
Customer disputes are extremely common in the world of online transactions, especially when it comes to recurring billing. You can expect to run into these issues on a regular basis regardless of the type of recurring payments business you have, which means that you need to be sure that you are thoroughly prepared.
Finding a payment solution that makes it convenient for customers to file a dispute, to have a mediator to resolve the issue, and for you to preserve your interests all at the same time is an important consideration. In doing so, you can be certain that your business continues to uphold its integrity and reputation to continue attracting customers.
4. What other systems should your payment solution integrate?
A payment gateway is by no means separate from all the other aspects of your business. In fact, the opposite is true, and most of the other infrastructure that sustains your operations can be linked to your payment gateway to automate your business operations.
From marketing automation to transactional emails, you will need to ensure that the different functions of your business can be integrated seamlessly with the choice you make so that you can manage everything effectively and efficiently.
What we can do for you
To make accepting online payments easy, we’ve partnered with Stripe and other payment gateways to ensure that all these concerns are addressed and to offer you a wide range of supported gateways with Payment Page. We offer a simple solution that makes it possible for you to receive recurring payments without hassle or headache, and we’d be more than happy to guide you through every step involved in setting things up.
If you’d like to learn more about Payment Page to pave the way for your business’s long-term growth, don’t hesitate to connect with us.